Plympton Fine Art
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Plympton Fine Art
John F. Carlson
"Across the Meadow"
Plympton Fine Art
William Lester Stevens
"The Month of May"
Plympton Fine Art
A. T. Hibbard
"Motif #1"
Plympton Fine Art
Bernard Corey
"Afternoon Shadows"
Plympton Fine Art
Maria Liszt
"The Reflection Pool"
Plympton Fine Art
Bernard Corey
Plympton Fine Art
Max Kuehne
"Gloucester Morning/View from Banner Hill"
Plympton Fine Art
Carl W Peters
"Wood's End"
Plympton Fine Art
Robert Moore
"Summer Slumber"

Plympton Fine Art
Max Kuehne (1880 - 1968)
"Old Central Wharf, Provincetown"

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